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Tradeshow Marketing

October 5, 2011 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News

With the annual DMA tradeshow just around the corner, I thought an article about tradeshow marketing was appropriate.  Tradeshows are an ideal place to showcase your products, services and your company to new and current customers.  Here are some tips on how to make your next tradeshow exhibit successful. 

Booth Staff Selection: Always staff your tradeshow booth with the best and the brightest from your company.  Your team should be comprised of top employees and those who deeply believe in your product, have superior customer service skills, evoke professionalism, and fully understand your objectives.

Training: Set aside some specific training time in the weeks leading up to the show.  Show what is expected of the tradeshow personnel and the specific outcomes you want to achieve.

Booth Staff Scheduling: Identify staff needs by taking into account your display area, relevancy of the audience attending and type of event in which you are participating.

Always remember that following up on tradeshow leads is one of the single most important aspects of tradeshow marketing.  No matter how big the booth or how many employees you have manning the booth, if leads are not pursued properly, the tradeshow would not be considered a success.  It is important to reach out to prospects quickly after the show in such a way that they are receptive to hearing more about your business.  Tradeshows can bring a large amount of new business to a company, it’s all in how you present your company, product and FOLLOW UP!

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