Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News > Networking…A Key Component

Networking…A Key Component

March 1, 2011 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News

Networking is a key component for any sales person, especially today.  Getting yourself in front of not only other business owners, but your community in general, can only benefit you and your business.  Not only are trade shows a great way to network and get your name out there, but local networking groups are as well.  These groups typically offer a structured meeting that allows every member to have time to talk about their business and what types of referrals they are looking for.  The groups can be set up a number of different ways, but they are mostly membership based, so it is important to be a guest at a number of meetings in order to find one that fits your needs and personality, as well as one that relates to your industry well.  My advice is to find one that allows the members to bring guests, that way you are constantly meeting others and not meeting with the same people each week, exhausting your referral opportunities.  

Once you have found a group you fit in with, start meeting with members of the group outside of the structured meeting setting.  This allows you to get to know that person on a deeper and more personal level, and you never know what will come out of that conversation.  Never underestimate!   Be sure to follow up with your referrals, especially if they are warm referrals and that person is expecting you to call.  This not only shows that you are interested, but it shows that you are reliable and do care about their needs.  So, ask around, check with your local Chamber Of Commerce and find a networking group that will help take your business to another level!

Jaimee Tate


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