Dundee Data Blog > Targeted Mailing List Info > Creating Personal Direct Mailing Campaigns for Better Responses

Creating Personal Direct Mailing Campaigns for Better Responses

October 28, 2016 • JM Online • Targeted Mailing List Info

Successful targeted mailing campaigns are comprised of three key factors – professionally compiled targeted marketing leads, a personal and thoughtful mailing piece, and tracking for results. As with any direct mailing campaign, the goal is to create a personal campaign that will produce action from its recipients.

When recipients receive a direct mail piece, they may not always read it. Could it be because… they are all so similar? While an overall target market may have similarities, there are many differences within the overall group – and a personal campaign cannot be achieved with one direct mail piece to an entire target market.

For a more personal direct mailing campaign, Dundee Data can help hone in on what really matters to specific targeted marketing leads. By taking a company’s products/services, culture and goals into account, we can plan and execute a personal campaign to targeted marketing leads that speaks to prospects’ interests and needs. Junk mail is mail that has no personal value to an individual – and you don’t want to find your mailer in the junk mail pile. Personalized direct mailing campaigns come from asking questions, listening to the response and shaping your future efforts on what you’ve learned. You can trust Dundee Data to help your company do just that.

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