Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News > The “Right” email provider is crucial to your success in “Direct Marketing”

The “Right” email provider is crucial to your success in “Direct Marketing”

May 4, 2012 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News

Years ago in this new fast paced industry we thought that email marketing would be the end all for everything direct marketing related….We quickly realized that was a big mistake.  But now, at Dundee Data, you can utilize the most extensively accepted communication channel and it is more effective than ever before.  You have to have strategy when trying to get new customers.  Just because you have a prospect does not mean it’s going to help your business.  You need the “right “prospect to effectively grow your business in the right direction.  As a part of the marketing communications spectrum, email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for engaging customers in real time.  Speed, relevancy and flexibility make email marketing an essential communications tool for developing and building individual customer relationships on all levels.  If you are looking for prospects that need auto insurance or a good extended auto warranty you don’t want emails for people looking to take a cruise or learning to buy a house.  So many times people think that if they throw enough out there than something is going to stick.  That logic will only waste your hard earned $$ and get you nowhere.  Dundee Data has a Direct Email strategic team that will define and implement an effective email marketing strategy that delivers the results you are looking for.  With your goals at the core, we help you do more with your email communications.  As a result, you get more – whether it is increased customer loyalty, greater responses, increased profits, etc. – and your marketing goals are exceeded.  The most important part of a good email provider is the “Deliverability” There are tons of companies that will give you emails, STAY AWAY from these type of companies unless you like to have customers complain because your email campaign went horribly wrong.  We understand that email deliverability is complex.  A combination of proper technology setup and monitoring with well-grounded marketing practices is required to achieve maximum deliverability.  The relationship maintained with the industry’s ISPs (Internet Service Providers) gives us the power to have a mailing network that allows your permission-based emails the highest chance of being delivered to the proposed recipients.  If you want an effective direct marketing campaign, use Dundee Data for all your direct marketing needs.



Kirk McCormick



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