Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info > A Targeted Mailing List Will Help Your Second Half of the Year Go Off With A BIG BANG

A Targeted Mailing List Will Help Your Second Half of the Year Go Off With A BIG BANG

July 7, 2015 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info

Hope everyone had a Most Beautiful, Safe, and Wonderful Holiday Weekend!!

Hope your fireworks were Amazing, and that you didn’t have any “Duds”!!

Can you believe we are in the second part of the year already!!

Speaking of Amazing Fireworks, I bet it safe to say you want your second portion of the year to Go off with a BIG BANG! Something to be remembered!! Something to strive for every year!

Great News, I can help you with that. The Best way to Start your second ½ of the year off right is to really Target People/Businesses like your best Clients/Customers. At Dundee Data we are able to do that with a Targeted Mailing list, Tailor made for you. That is sure to Put Your Marketing dollar to it’s best use with an EXPLOSIVE, R.O.I.

Contact me today so we can get Booming with Prospects!!


Jules B.

Senior Executive

J. Edwin Brown


Dundee Data

1306 North 150th Street

402-502-List (5478)Direct line

402-964-1276 Fax

402-213-4274 Mobile






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