Dundee Data Blog > Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info, Targeted Marketing Lead Info > WHAT’S THE BEST CREATIVE AVENUE TO A TARGETED MAILING LIST?…THE LETTER!


June 3, 2014 • Dundee Data • Dundee Data News, Targeted Mailing List Info, Targeted Marketing Lead Info

In spite of all the new-fangled ways to market your products and services, the old standby – direct mail –still works extremely well.  And at the heart of every great direct mail package is a great letter.

Sure.  The brochure may have lots of color and pretty pictures . . . describe the features.  And the reply device will make it extremely easy for the recipient to respond.  And, of course, the outside envelope – maybe with a little tease – should look good, and entice the reader inside.

But the letter is the place where your product or service gets sold.

I have heard direct mail letters called a “cover letter”.  It is much more than that!  It doesn’t just refer the reader to the other elements of the mailing package.  It sells.

The letter should start off with a “hook”.  An intriguing thought or idea to get the reader to read on.  Then, in very friendly language, it can walk the reader through the benefits of the offer.  The letter should have the reader asking very quickly, “what’s in it for me?”  And just as quickly, the answers should come.

All of this leads up to a good solid close.  Ask for the order.  Explain how easy it is to place the order.  In some of the best direct mail letters, the writer asks for the order several times.  The idea here is that there should be no mistake what the reader needs to do to fully enjoy the benefits of the product or service.

You have purchased a targeted mailing list – so write a letter that goes right to the target!

Need help in getting that targeted mailing list or targeted marketing leads?  Dundee Data can help!

Call us at 402-884-6716 . . . or go to the website www.dundeedata.com and follow the simple instructions to have someone from our team give you a call.

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